Control StackShot with Your Computer
Controlling StackShot with a Computer
StackShot can be controlled with either Helicon Remote or Zerene Stacker. StackShot is equipped with a USB port and can be controlled with a Mac or PC. How the StackShot is connected depends on the program you are using it control it. StackShot 3X can also be used this way - both Helicon and Zerene support single axis stacking with the 3X controller.

When using Helicon Remote with StackShot both the camera and the StackShot are connected to separate USB ports on your computer. Helicon will take control over both the camera and the StackShot Rail. There is no direct link between the StackShot controller and the camera. You can visit the Helicon Soft website for a list of compatible cameras.

When using Zerene Stacker, the StackShot controller is connected to the computer with a standard USB cable. The camera is then controlled with a shutter interface cable to StackShot. When the Zerene Software needs to activate the camera shutter it sends a USB command to StackShot to assert the shutter output, just as if you pushed the shutter button on the StackShot controller. This method has the advantage of being compatible with many more cameras, but has the disadvantage of requiring a shutter interface cable. The shutter Interface cable is also required if you want to use StackShot without a computer.
If you are shooting with a Canon camera that is Live View capable you can connect another cable from your camera to the computer. This gives you the ability to have the live view images displayed on the computer while stacking. You will need to make certain the live view images are visible on both the camera and the computer, or the camera will ignore the shutter pulses from StackShot. Nikon users will have the capability to review focus in this manner but will have to turn off live view for the actual stack. You can find all of the details about using StackShot with Zerene on the Zerene website.